Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why this pretention On the other day, I was sitting before one of my friends at his office. There was a ring tone in his cell. He looked at it and left it to ring and die. After some time there was a call in his land line at his table. He picked up the phone and did not answer and after some time he hung it back in the cradle. While our discussions on general matters were proceeding, he got one more call in his cell phone. At this time he responded the call and informed that he had just entered into his cabin and left the cell in the cabin as he was away meeting the boss. While he was conversing in the cell he also smiled at me. He concluded the call saying he will do whatever possible by him and in a very obliging respectful tone. He turned to me and said that the call is from one of his earlier colleague seeking some favors.He further added that the person is pestering him. However while he was talking to the person I could find out that he had pretended as though he is sincere at his end. In one another occassion, my wife received a call in her cell phone. On seeing the number she did not respond. After a gap of 15 minutes there was one more call and she did not attend. I just asked her why she should not respond. Her immediate reply is that the other person will be talking about her problems especially with her in laws. Soon we received a call in our Land line and my younger daughter took the phone and called Mummy it is ...aunty. Though my wife was showing some gestures to my daughter (with intention to say to the other end that she is not to be found is of no avail.)However I observed while she was talking to her friend, she was so courteous and friendly leaving no sign of her hesitation to talk to her. The above are only two incidents narrated and we would have observed many like this with our friends. In some situations they will be talking so sweet but showing averse in their body language. As video conferencing in cell phone is yet to pick up these persons are saved. But if that invention come we will have more actors in the world.

WHY THIS ENTERTAINMENT. It has become the practice to screen film videos in the luxury buses when you are travelling during the nights.Though some people enjoy the same many are definitely disturbed during the journey especially during nights. The film normally ends during midnight and disturbs the sleep of the passenger. In fact people are reserving their journey through these luxury buses only for a comfortable journey with sleep as they have to attend some important affairs on the next day in the destination. Earlier days it was only the music system in the buses which will make jarring noise disturbing the passengers. Many a time I had requested the bus personal to reduce the volume as I could not plead for stopping the music system. Recently I had a different experience in the train. I was travelling through Lalbagh express in the 2nd class compartment. The sound generated by the train due to the speed clubbed with the sound made by the travelling public and vendors had already made the compartment very uncomfortable. Added to this 4 TV sets were placed in the compartment and the the sound volume was increased to high decibels in order to make the passengers hear the same. The TV set was showing mostly some humour clippings and love duet scenes from both Tamil and Kannada movies. As the train is passing from Karnataka to Tamilnadu the the films are changed to the respective linguistics. The noice pollution is so much that the entire journey was unpleasant and tiresome. Entertainment is turning nowadays to trouble.
Simplicity for Happier Life We find for the past few years,more and more facilities have come to mankind by the inventions of many gadgets. This is has in turn increased the luxuries. But whether this has increased the happiness in the minds of the human being is a big question. There is no satisfaction for most of the people and people are going after more money. In fact in my young days, we were not having more money but the family bondage was much more and happiness is really very much. If we live a simple life, I am sure the happiness will grow manifold. Below are some tips which can simplify your life and may amplify the happiness scale of your life. 1-Avoid getting influenced: Do not try to own something just because your friend or neighbour owns the same. Thing of your requirement and go for the same. Try to love the one you have and do not try to love the one the other man has. 2-Avoid impulse buying: Buy only if it is really increasing your peace of mind. Remember that now a days the standard life of every gadget (phone, tablet, laptop, jewelry etc) is more or less 6 months because of new and new products release by several companies. 3-The 6 months Rule:Generally speaking, anything which has not been used in last 6 months will not be used in next 6 months most likely. Give such things (shoes, garments, toys, mobiles, house hold items) in charity. This will help spreading happiness in society and reducing your space at home. 4-Avoid Credit Cards Usage:Avoid this as much as you can. Debt is a silent stress.Try to pay 100 % of the bill on demand. The 40 days credit is sufficient to recycle. You might develop high BP or sugar because of stress due to credit. Live a credit-free life. Careful spending is always recommended. 5-Reduce too much social gatherings: Stay at home. Spend quality time with your spouse and kids for empowered relationships. You don't have to say yes every time to your friend who is coming to pick you from home to join another late night social get together. 6-Less TV more Books:It is proven that people who watch more movies generate high level of stress. Read quality books to learn wisdom and attain high degree of happiness. Hear some pleasant music/lectures in a calm atmosphere. 7-Spend time with Nature:Instead of going to cinemas and malls repeatedly, spend time in parks. This will relax your brain, body and soul. It has been scientifically proven that it recharges your body to take stress at office if you look at the greenaries. 08-Change your eating habits:Go for simpler and healthier food. Remember, most of the food items in the market are fried which are increasing your cholesterol level silently hence making you a heart patient in the long run!